Monday, 21 October 2013

Album Cover Shoot Pictures - Explanation Of Shoot and Edited Pictures

Album Cover Shoot Pictures - Explanation Of Shoot and Edited Pictures

Explanation Of Shoot
On 25th September 2013, I went to the back of Houldsworth Mill, Reddish to the park and took pictures. I shot in RAW as it is a professional standard image format and is the best for print and on screen to edit. It was a blank sky so I had to make sure that the ISO, shutter speed and aperture were at the correct settings for the lack of natural light. I had the ISO on 400, the f stop on 5.6 and the shutter speed on 1/8 second for the final image (see below). The lighting was quite low so I had the shutter speed on a slow setting so it would be open for longer and let in more light. I did not use a tripod but managed to make it look quite smooth, but a little blurry at the same time as that was the look I was going for. I also set the White balance on cloudy as it was a dark day and lots of clouds in the sky. 

Original Chosen Image

This is the image I chose out of the images I took as the lighting was better on this one and also the framing.

Edited Images

For this edit of my image, I used the vibrance and saturation adjustments to make the image look almost black and white but with a hint of colour, as you can tell with the trees.

I used the saturation and brightness adjustments to brighten the leaves and trees.

I used the main black and white filter on this image.

I copied the original coloured image underneath the black and white image and used the polygonal lasso tool to draw around the original guitar shape, and then deleted the black and white guitar so the leaves guitar showed underneath.
I did the same as I did with the leaf image above, but used the original image of the coloured guitar, put highlights on top so the colour would look stronger against the black and white image.

Final Image

This is my final image as I liked the colour I used in this edit as it made the leaves on the floor and the trees stand out more. The 'Sparks Fly' text is in white with a slight black drop shadow to make it stand out from the background of the image. The font is Zapfino and this is the font I was looking for as I wanted it to match the image and look naturistic and a Serif font created this look that I wanted.
The 'Taylor Swift' is in a plain font, Lucidia Bright and black as I wanted the Sparks Fly to stand out more than the artists' name. I used Bevel & Emboss and stroke to create a slight yellow tone as it would stand out better when it would be printed but also blends in with the leaves on the floor.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Final Idea and Shoot Notes - 25th September 2013

Album Cover Ideas 1 and 2

White Balance and Focal Length Exercise

Focal Length Explained

Camera Lenses

Camera Lenses

Photography Practise

Photography Practise

Album Covers Research

Album Covers Research DRAFT 1

Album Covers Research Final


Photographer Research

Photographer Research


What Is Photography?

Photography is a way of capturing moments in still frame. It preserves an image and captures the light. It can be classed as a science as it uses numbers, figures and time.

Types of Photography
Nature, Sporting, Glamour, Portrait, Animation, Photo Journalism, Documentary, Urban, Mosaic, Fine Art, Medical, Food, Landscape, Pet, Event, War and Travel are just a few popular types of photography.

Places You Would See/Use Photography
Museums, Internet, Magazines, Social Media, in the street, Products, Merchandise, Advertising, Clothing, Newspapers, Books, ID's e.g. Passports, Art Galleries, Posters, Photo books, TV stills etc. Photography is omnipresent, we see it everywhere, everyday.

5 Uses For Photography
1) Identity - e.g. passports, student ID's etc
2) Commentary - e.g. social media (commenting on Photographs etc), sports etc
3) Publication - Magazines, Newspapers etc
4) Advertisement - e.g. posters, billboards etc
5) Art - e.g. used in art pieces etc